Archive of published articles on April, 2019

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Ethical Hacking: Eavesdropping


In Kali Linux, I opened Terminal and typed ifconfig to know my ip address. My IP address is My target is the first Ethernet interface eth0. eth0 has ip address After knowing my ip address and my target’s ip address, I typed:

tcpdump -vvn -i eth0 host -w test.pcap

While it is listening on eth0, I browse in Google Chrome. After I finished browsing, I typed ^C (Control C) and it stopped capturing packets. It captured 66 packets. The data that I captured is stored in test.pcap.


Ethical Hacking: Commands


In this post, I will show some basic Linux commands.

  • cd <directory> : changes to the specified directory.
  • cd .. : moves the current working director backwards.
  • pwd : prints the current working directory.
  • ls : lists all files and directories.
  • ls -a : lists all files and directories including hidden files.
  • touch <file> : creates an empty file
  • cat <file>: print everything inside the file
  • mkdir <directory> : creates a new folder with the specified name
  • mv <file> <new location>: moves a file to the specified directory
  • rm <file> : removes the specified file
  • rm * : removes all files in the specified directory
  • rm -r <directory> : removes a directory and all the files inside it
  • clear: clears the terminal
  • man <command> : prints out the manual of the specified command
  • nano <file> : opens a simple terminal text editor for the file