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Journal 9 Intelligent Systems: Presentation Week


In this week, we finalize our final project. We created our presentation slides and did our presentations. Unfortunately, we forgot to make the video. We received several inputs therefore, we will be making several improvements regarding the code and the result. Next, we will also make the video. The Intelligent System course is one of the most difficult courses. Learning artificial intelligence is difficult in my opinion. I really need some time to understand the materials completely. Overall, learning artificial intelligence has been fun. Thank you so much ms. Nurul for teaching us.

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Journal 8 Intelligent Systems: Finalizing The Project


Few weeks ago, I no longer work with Arden and Galastu. I moved to Adrian’s group along with Steven. At first, our team wanted to make the game, monopoly. In the end, we make a a program that will help companies to be able to make a proper estimation of passenger. The main idea is forecasting. The algorithms that we used are Arima and Dicky Fuller’s Test. Both algorithms are difficult in my opinion. The Arima algorithm as well as Dicky Fuller’s Test is an algorithm that is used to predict future time steps based on past time steps. The goal of both algorithm is autoregression.

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Final Project Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction 2018


Group Members:

  • Jerdy Tjandra           (2101718450)
  • Andrew Ko                (2101725481)
  • Ryan Divas                (2101704413)


Our motive in making this game is that we want to make a game to help high school or middle school students to remember biological terms specifically the human digestive system for the long term. We thought through playing games they can remember biological terms easier and faster than through reading books.


We use the idea of drag and drop. The user will be shown an unlabeled diagram of the human digestive system, and he will be given seven names. The user will have to drag each name to corresponding box that describes the organ. If his choice is correct, he will get 10 points. For example, the word is “kidney”, and the user will have to place the word in the box that describe the organ “kidney”. Then, the user will be directed to a new page. In this new page, The user will be shown a labeled diagram of the human organ system. If the user click each organ, he will be directed to a page that provide questions for the selected organ. There are seven organs, and the user will have to finish all the seven questions to finish the game.


  • Jerdy Tjandra : Design, Data Gathering, Construct 2
  • Andrew Ko      : Design, Data Gathering
  • Ryan Divas      : Design, Data Gathering

Name of game: Know My Organs

Three Images:

How to play:

The user will be shown an unlabelled diagram of the human digestive system, and he will be given seven names to choose which are the names of the organ in the human digestive system. The user will have to drag each name to the corresponding box that describes the organ. If he placed the word in the right box, he will get 10 points. Else, he will lose a try. For example, the word is “kidney”, and the user will have to place the word in the box that describe the organ “kidney”. After the user has finished labelling each biological term to its respective organs, the user will be directed to a new page. In this new page, the user will be shown a labelled diagram of the human organ system. If the user clicks each organ, he will be directed to a page that provide questions for the selected organ. There are seven organs, and the user will be given only five tries. If his points are more than 200, he wins the game.

Player Controls: none

List of items Created:


  • Button_AboutUs
  • Button_Continue
  • Button_Click_correct
  • Button_Click_wrong
  • Button_GallBladder
  • Button_Home
  • Button_LargeIntestine
  • Button_Liver
  • Button_Mouth
  • Button_Oesophagus
  • Button_Return
  • Button_SmallIntestine
  • Button_Sources
  • Button_Start
  • Button_Stomach


  • Sprite_acidnenzyme
  • Sprite_Appendix
  • Sprite_Bile
  • Sprite_box_acidnenzyme
  • Sprite_box_appendix
  • Sprite_box_bile
  • Sprite_box_churning
  • Sprite_box_chyme
  • Sprite_box_detoxifies
  • Sprite_box_drugsubstances
  • Sprite_box_enterocytes
  • Sprite_box_gallbladder
  • Sprite_box_gallbladder2
  • Sprite_box_largeIntestine
  • Sprite_box_liver
  • Sprite_box_mouth
  • Sprite_box_nutrients
  • Sprite_box_oesophagus
  • Sprite_box_pancreas
  • Sprite_box_parotidsalivary
  • Sprite_box_SalivaryDuct
  • Sprite_box_smallIntestine
  • Sprite_box_stomach
  • Sprite_box_tongue
  • Sprite_box_villi
  • Sprite_churning
  • Sprite_chyle
  • Sprite_chyme
  • Sprite_detoxifies
  • Sprite_drugsubstances
  • Sprite_duodenum
  • Sprite_enterocytes
  • Sprite_food
  • Sprite_gallbladder
  • Sprite_gallbladder2
  • Sprite_gastricacid
  • Sprite_jejunum
  • Sprite_LargeIntestine
  • Sprite_Liver
  • Sprite_Mouth
  • Sprite_nutrients
  • Sprite_nutrition
  • Sprite_oesophagus
  • Sprite_pancreas
  • Sprite_ParotidSalivary
  • Sprite_protein
  • Sprite_SalivaryDuct
  • Sprite_smallIntestine
  • Sprite_Stomach
  • Sprite_tongue
  • Sprite_Villi


  • Text_description_ParotidSalivary
  • Text_description_salivaryDuct
  • Text_description_tongue
  • Text_GameOver
  • Text_Points
  • Text_Title_Game
  • Text_Tries

List of Items Taken From The Internet:


I created the sprites, texts, and buttons. The user will be directed to another layout when he clicks a button. For example, the user clicks the home button, he will be directed to the home layout.

In each sprite, I inserted the DragDrop behaviour. In each sprite, I made instance variables called: start_x_organname and start_y_organname. I created those two instance variables in each sprite so that if the user drags a word and drops it in the wrong box, the word could return to its original position. Basically, if each sprite overlaps with its box, the sprite moves to the position of its box. The system generates a correct sound effect and add 10 points. Else, the sprite will return to its original position and the user will lose a try. I created 2 global variables: Tries and Score. I set initially the tries to be five and the score zero.


Final Project Database Systems 2018


Group Members:

  • Jerdy Tjandra                                          (2101718450)
  • Muhamad Aria Armada Djojosugito  (2101718500)
  • Fauzan Ihsan                                           (2101720700)


Our background motive in making this game store proposal is because we love to play games. As an side effect of that love we also want to understand everything there is to game, from why and how to make one to how to sell or do business with games. On the particular note of doing business, we would like to think and recreate it as realistic as possible the asset management side of a common game store found anywhere in the world.


The idea of this game store is a store which provide arcade games and also sells console plus pc games, thus the asset of the store must be divided into 2 categories which is arcade and normal games. Plus there would be a “money”,”coin” and ”prizes” categories. The arcade games required a unique coin that needs to be inserted otherwise the game won’t run, therefore the customer has to trade their money for the unique coin that the store already provide. The arcade games also provides different kinds of challenges for the customers and the store will reward the customer who won the challenges by giving them prizes based on the difficulty of the challenges.


  • Muhamad Aria Armada :  MySQL, Documentation.
  • Jerdy Tjandra :                    MySQL, Entity-relationship diagram, VB.NET.
  • Fauzan Ihsan :                     MySQL, Documentation.


Entity-Relationship model


Relational Schema

  • Transaction (transactionId, staffId, customerId, gameId, arcadeId, quantity, price, date, time)

Foreign Key staffId references staff(staffId) on update cascade on delete cascade

Foreign Key customerId references customer(customerId) on update cascade on delete cascade

Foreign Key gameId references game(gameId) on update cascade on delete cascade

Foreign Key arcadeId references arcade (arcadeId) on update cascade on delete cascade


  • customer (customerId, customer_fName, customer_lName, customer_age, customer_gender, customer_phone, customer_email, customer_address)
  • staff (staffId, staff_fName, staff_lName, staff_age, staff_gender, staff_phone, staff_email, staff_address)
  • game (gameId, game_name, game_price, game_agelimit, game_categories, game_internet)
  • arcade (arcadeId, arcade_name, arcade_price, arcade_agelimit, arcade_categories, arcade_internet)
  • profit (profit, profit _name, profit _quantity, profit _price, profit _date, profit _time)


Game All-Store









The offline application was created using Visual Studio (VB.Net)

First thing first, the user has to create a new account by clicking the ‘Create an account’ button.


After clicking the ‘Create an account’ button, the user will be directed to the registration page where the user will be required to input the username and the password of his choice.


If the password and the confirm password does not match, the user will be asked to refill the form.


After the password and the confirm password matches, click “Create”, and the user has successfully created an account and will be directed to the login page again.


To enter the main menu, the user just have to insert the username and the password.


If the user entered the wrong username and password, the user will be asked to retype the correct username and the correct password.


After inserting the correct username and password, the user will be directed to the main menu.


Menu Bar include Open–>Table, Query


Query–>[internet],[No internet],[Shooter],[Fighting],[Racing],[Data of all games and arcade],[Data of all customers and staffs],[Transaction1]

In this section, the user can do the following:

  1. Click “Arcade”, and the user will be directed to the arcade section
  2. Click “Customer”, and the user will be directed to the customer section
  3. Click “Game”, and the user will be directed to the game section
  4. Click “Profit”, and the user will be directed to the profit section
  5. Click “Staff”, and the user will be directed to the staff section
  6. Click “Transaction”, and the user will be directed to the transaction section
  7. Click the query, and query will appear in the rectangular table.
  8. Click “Sign Out”, and the user will be signed out.
  9. Look at the data


If the user clicks the “Arcade” button, the user will be directed to the arcade page.

In each page, the user can do the following:

  1. Click “Menu” when the user wants to return to the main menu.
  2. Add new data by filling the form and by clicking the “Add” button once the user is done.
  3. Update data of existing arcade collection. First click the “Next” button then fill the white text-box you want to change. Finally, click the “Update” button once you are done.
  4. Remove the data by clicking “Delete” button. First, click the “Next” button, and the data will appear. If that data you want to remove, click the “Delete” button.
  5. Click “Next” when you want to see the data after the current data in the same table.
  6. Click the combo box, and some information/query will appear.
  7. Look at all the data of our arcade collection.


Add Data

Add new data by filling the form and by clicking the “Add” button once the user is done.


Update Data 

As we can see the item that we have just added is already in our database, and the item is shown in ID number 6.

Now if we want to update data in ID number 6, first we click the “Next” button until ID number 6 is shown in the id text box. At first, the price of our data is 30 000, we want change it to 50 000 for example. Then, we just change the price text box from 30 000 to 50 000. Finally, we click the “Update” button once we are done.



Delete Data

As we can see the item that we have just updated is already in our database, and the item is shown in ID number 6.

Now if we want to delete data in ID number 6, first we click the “Next” button until ID number 6 is shown in the id text box. Then, we click the “Delete” button.


After Delete

We click the “Menu” button and click “Arcade” again.

The picture  shown below is the result:

Click the “Menu” button to return to the main menu.


If we click “Customer”, we will be directed to the customer page.


If we click “Game”, we will be directed to the game page.


If we click “Profit”, we will be directed to the profit page.


If we click “Staff”, we will be directed to the staff page.


If we click “Transaction”, we will be directed to the transaction section where we can look at the data of the previous transactions we have made.


If we click the “Sign Out” button, automatically we will be signed out and directed to the login page again.

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